Item sold on 2020-05-14 - Shipped on 2020-06-01
Ship To: California
Shipper: Preferred Carrier - SUNSET (AL, AR, FL, GA, IA, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MO, MS, NC, NE, OK, SC, TN, TX) (906-396-5872)
An Arts and Crafts or Mission Oak rocking chair from about 1905 is solid quarter sawn oak with pegs at the joints. The comfortable seat is newly upholstered in a soft fabric design of the era.
The restored finish preserves just enough wear and mars for a little antique character on this American made antique Craftsman furniture. Strong and sturdy, the frame is reglued to serve another generation.
Size is 28" wide, 30" deep, 40" tall and the seat is 15" high.
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Shipping rate based on ground floor delivery from a trusted service provider. Most deliveries occur 14-30 business days from payment, some slightly longer, some shorter.
Item # 33030
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